Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Having No Friends Article Summary

Este artículo explica cómo no tener amigos o la falta de interacción social es casi tan malo como tener una adicción al alcohol o las drogas. El artículo entra en detalles sobre cómo no tener amigos es malo y cómo si alguien tiene mucha interacción social y está involucrado, entonces funcionarán mejor en la sociedad. El artículo también dio estadísticas sobre cómo las personas sin amigos mueren más rápido y son más propensos a contraer enfermedades.

Hipster Article Summary

Este artículo fue principalmente sobre hipsters y su estilo de vida. El artículo procede a hablar sobre la creación de un hipster y por qué son tan populares. Una cosa que hace un hipster un hipster es su gusto de artículos y de accesorios del vintage. Otra cosa es su participación en las redes sociales. Otro elemento que es popular en hipsters es un bigote. Sus bigotes son a veces rizados en los extremos y son muy espesos.

Q3 Reflection

Over this semester I've learned how to depend more on the knowledge in my brain rather than a dictionary. I also learned how to breakdown a sentence in order to comprehend its meaning when I am in a situation where I don't fully understand all the words. I hope that by the end of the quarter I will be able to comprehend a more extensive vocabulary and verb tenses.

Activity Log 1/20

For a good 60 minutes, I convinced my Cuban friend to speak to me in Spanish while we were waiting for her ride to come pick her up after school. Most of our conversations consists of details involving KPOP so my statements were in the area of, "Yo prefería canción de EXO sobre la canción de Got7" , which caused her to hit me and say something very fast in Spanish which I couldn't quite catch.
I decided to spend the rest of my time watching more episodes of "Maria La Del Barrio" in order to catch up from where I left off. I really really really do not like Soraya!!!

Activity Log 1/13

This week I watched even more Maria la del Barrio since I was behind on my episodes. Another thing I did was change the English translations on a K-drama I have seen before (Goblin) to Spanish to see if I would still be able to understand the plot of the story even though it was in a different language than English and Korean. It worked out pretty well to where I knew enough words to understand the story line but some words I was confused on so I looked those up myself.

Activity Log 1/6

This week I decided to watch various amounts of makeup tutorials but only from Spanish speaking youtubers. It was very nice to know the products I use are able to be used by people in different countries. It was also interesting to see the way they use the product. I also learned many words for products and how to apply these different products in Spanish. 

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