Friday, May 12, 2017

What I Did This Week 5/12

Esta semana decidí ver 55 minutos de videos de maquillaje en español, donde usaban vocabulario que no conocía. Dado que era un video, podría asumir lo que decían las chicas porque sostenían los productos que usaban. Durante los últimos 20 minutos, decidí escuchar la lista de reproducción de Latino en Spotify. Las canciones eran muy agradables pero no eran tan divinas como las otras listas de reproducción que escuché.

What I Did This Week (In Spanish)

Esta semana decidí trabajar en mi progreso en Duolingo. Hice mis lecciones habituales durante 7 días seguidos y pasé los niveles que me dieron. Otra actividad que hice fue ver la segunda "lista de latinos" porque estaba aburrido y me lo recomendaron en Netflix.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Q4 Reflection

Over the course of the year, I have become more proficient in my use of vocabulary and have been able to create complex sentences in order to express my thoughts in Spanish. I have also gained the ability to hold a long conversation in Spanish with follow up questions. I hope to grow by making my sentences and questions more elaborate and I hope to be able to have a better understanding of Spanish tenses to use in my future.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Activity Log 2/17

This week I decided to watch some more videos about makeup in Spanish since they were at my accessibility. I also worked some more on my abstract on poverty, crime, and pollution in Madrid, Spain. I also had my friend explain to me words in Spanish that are unknown to me because I want to be able to use these words in Spanish. I started a DuoLingo account just to fill in the spaces class time lacked or when I want to practice.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

CNN Video

The video was basically about Argentina and its economic problems with poverty. The video consists with facts about how the statistic of poor people and poverty has risen. It also questions whether or not the government's fiscal and economic policies that that impliment are effective. The news reporters talk about how the main causes of this rise in poverty is probably do to government deficiency and inflation and how that those factors effect people on an economic level. The two reports both talked about the effect of government deficiency on the people which leads to poverty.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Activity Log 2/10

My Summary of the Article I Read:

Este artículo es sobre cómo el alcalde del Ayuntamiento es reducir velocidad de rhe que coches pueden conducir a tan sólo 70 km un ij hora para disminuir la contaminación del aire en Madrid, España. Esta semana varias estaciones medidoras marcaron niveles de dióxido de nitrógeno considerados dañinos para la salud. Por ello, el equipo de Carmena aplicó medidas previstas en el protocolo municipal anticontaminación, como la prohibición de circular a la mitad de los coches por la almendra central y de aparcar en la zona SER. La primera de ellas se aplicó por primera vez en España el pasado jueves.

After this research I realized that Madrid's air pollution is extremely. Their poverty levels are high, probably due to factors like lack of government control and money.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Activity Log 2/3

This week I worked on my article on problems in a Spanish-speaking city. My group chose Madrid, Spain and its problems with poverty, pollution, crime, and other things close to that. I summarized an article in Spanish that talked about how the city council had to limit the speed of the tragic to around 70 km an hour because of the high levels of air pollution. This was found through the extremely high nitrogen monoxide levels. 
Another thing I did was that after school when I walked with my Cuban friend, I would force her to speak strictly in Spanish to me about any subjects. So, we talked about new kpop music videos that were released and about our favorite new songs. We usually walk for about 10 minutes everyday to our designated areas.

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